Multiple Mandrel Indexing Bending Head
All AFM 3D S Benders come with the Synchro Head bender design. The Patent Pending Synchro Head is not only the most unique but most versatile bending head on the market. Synchro technology is a hybrid configuration of our Turret head coupled with three rotary
satellite benders! This enables the end user to have their choice of turret forming, rotary mandrel forming or both. Press brake style bends, perfectly round eye-loops, off plane bending, programmable tool configurations, tube forming, the capabilities of the Synchro
design are endless. In addition, the forming pins can be easily replaced as needed. The multi-mandrel tool cluster holds round pins, roller tools, and sharp bend dies… all of which are user replaceable. The slide action cutter provides burr-free square cuts and is capable of a “zero length” cut-off. In addition, one of the benders can be equipped with cutting tools for smaller wires, eliminating the need to reverse the feed in order to cut.
Expandability – Versatility
All 3D benders can be expanded by simply separating and inserting the appropriate modules. Adding modules for inline secondary operations such as chamfering, threading, undercutting and flattening can extend the versatility of your AccuForm Synchro machine. Stand-alone floor mounted units are available for chamfering, threading, ball-end radius and cold heading. Robotics or Multi
axes pick and place units can automatically transfer formed parts to secondary machine operations.
Wire Bending Made Easy
The AccuForm modular line of 2D & 3D programmable CNC steel wire benders make virtually any kind of simple or complex parts from round and profiled wire. Using AIM’s SmartEditor® program, a variety of different shapes can easily be designed.
SmartCode can be used for standard shapes such as rings, polygons and spirals by simply entering the desired lengths, number of sides or diameters.
DXF files can be imported from your CAD system. Animation Simulation shows the part being formed before production begins allowing changes to be made prior to machine operation. “Dial-a-Service” allows access to any machine worldwide via internet allowing diagnostics to be performed within minutes.
The AFM 3D S Series is backed by a two-year limited Parts and Labor Warranty, the most comprehensive in the market.
Features & Benefits
- Concurrent Operations: Dual processor allows programming a part while running production
- Production Statistics for cost estimating & scheduling
- XYZ, DXF & optional Solid Modeling STEP & IGES file import
- Animation / graphic simulation allows you to see programmed moves before running production
- Remote, off-line programming with stand-alone software or through installed network card.
- Color LCD Touch screen monitor and industrial grade sealed keyboard for data entry
- Simple programming with Microsoft Windows based operating system
- Exceptional accuracy and repeatability
- Sealed, oversize bearings for low maintenance operation
- Ultra Options for even faster feed and bending speeds
- Double acting cutting system for high tensile wire provides the strongest cut in the market
- One keystroke transition between Metric and English units of measure
- Video camera for remote machine monitoring or video conferencing
- Group individual part programs for production of complete assemblies or program to make alternating parts
- Programmable delay or hold functions to match downstream operations in work cells
- Spiral software function allows user to define any spiral with just three numbers (O.R., I.R. and distance between spirals)
- Easily accessible tooling for minimal setup and changeover time
- Hardened and precision ground tool steel moving parts for exceptional wear and tool life
- Spare I/O’s for interconnection of auxiliary equipment such as robotics, threading units, & inspection devices
- Highest overall production speeds in the industry
- Network ready for “Dial-A-Service”
- Serial, Ethernet & USB Ports
- Robust safety barrier with safety interlock door included
- Unlimited rotation of Bending Arm, Turret, Bender and Mandrel Benders for maximum efficiency and reliability
- Fully automated payoff unit included: 5Hp, 2000 Kgr (4500 Lbs) capacity
- Temperature controlled electronics cabinets with washable filters
- Two years Parts & Labor, limited warranty