Increase productivity by automating your AIM CNC setup. Automate bending setup with AccuCAL technology platform while easily minimizing your setup time, increasing production time and optimizing programming.

The AIM AccuCAL performs tool and wire calibration with a press of a button! Using SmartEditor®  bend corrections, it will automatically produce a sequence of bends and accurately measure the angles, saving the results along with the tool file.

Simple to operate Just mount on the end of the arm and connect to the machine’s computer.
Portable Quick-Release mount: move it to any of your 3D AIM machines / no tools required.
Accurate High-resolution camera assures 0.1 Degrees tolerance per measurement.
Fast SmartEditor(r) algorithms, automatically produce motion programs without any user intervention.
Smart Measurements are saved with the Tool File and are available for future use.

 No more excuses for Un-calibrated machine tools

Available on AFM modular machine systems